Saturday, July 3, 2010


My friend, how are you today?
I got back from my retreat this morning. It was okay. The beginning sucked, but what is new. I thought about doing a July 4th outfit, but I was trying to pick out one and starting think, "What the hell am I doing? I am not patriotic at all." And really, I am not. Sorry.
I started taking pictures outside, but it is hard taking them outside when you don't have a tripod or someone else taking them. So, you will notice that I move in inside for the rest of the pictues. Blah.
The skirt is from my aunt in New Orleans. It is leather and from the 80s. I love the color of it.
So, one of my friends from camp a while back told me about Local Natives. I finally listened to them today, and I fell in love. No joke. I love them! Airplanes is probably my favorite right now. I found some other bands: Peggy Sue & Sky Larkin. Check them out if you get the chance. Please feel free to comment and be a follower if you want to. I would really love it.
Well, you party animals, I am out of here. I have to go download some music. Yay! I wish I was at Warped Tour in Dallas though. :( Sigh. 

Outfit Details:
Top/dress - Volcom
Skirt - Aunt's
Necklace - gift
Shoes - thrifted


  1. you're lovely. x

  2. I absolutely adore what you are wearing.
    And you are very pretty.
    And your photo's are great.
    I'm Jade by the way =)
    I came across your blog through somebody else.
    And I am so glad I did.

    Enjoy your Sunday.

  3. Can we just say how much we love the 70s feel of this outfit? A graphic patterned dress, ever so cleverly made into a shirt really accents a shockingly teal skirt. You look simply fab.


  4. this outfit is so cute!
    And thankyou for following my blog :)
    Of course I'll follow yours :D

  5. Peggy Sue is awesome, they played in my hometown with Kate Nash last year :-) So cute. xo

  6. It sucks having to take your own photos! I normally put my camera on top of a flowerpot :p


I would love you hear what you have to say. Don't be a stranger. And just so you know, you guys make me smile every time you leave a comment. Thank you so much!