Sunday, June 27, 2010

H is also for Hello

Hello everyone!
My name is Haley, and I decided to start my own blog. I have a passion for art, music, fashion, and more. I love hearing people's opinions, so please comment whenever you want.
I am in New Orleans right now, and just recently made a skirt by myself. AH! It is so cute. The pattern and fabric were vintage. I have pictures of it. The outfit is not amazing. It is just a tank top and the skirt. I am not even wearing shoes. I just wanted to focus on the skirt. Oh, and my head is cut off. :/ Sorry.
My newest purchase: Volume Two, She & Him. I love Zooey Deschanel. She is so cute and I love her style. I have listened to this CD 10 times since I have purchased it, and it never gets old.Well, I am off to sew another skirt. I hope you all have a good week!


  1. your skirt is lovely! my grandma is teaching me how to dress make, and I finished a skirt, and I was so proud :') :P

    I'm willing to be your first follower - can't wait to see your blog grow!

    Perhaps you could check out and maybe follow my blog? I'm just getting it back up and running, so excuse any muddled posts etc. >.<


  2. Great skirt- and the tank top goes really well! Fantastic She and Him album! Zooey is so cute!

    Love Tori,


I would love you hear what you have to say. Don't be a stranger. And just so you know, you guys make me smile every time you leave a comment. Thank you so much!